Summary of this course:
Do you know how to and have you completed a risk assessment of your practice assessing the hazards and the risks?
The hazard is anything that may cause somebody harm such as, materials, waste management, repetitive movements, slips, trips and falls or even an open drawer.
The risk is the likelihood, high or low, that somebody could be harmed by the hazard together with an indication of how serious the harm could be.
DD's experienced assessors will complete a risk assessment of the practice using their in-depth knowledge.
Why do I need this assessment?
All employers and self-employed people have to assess risks at work according to Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations 1999 (risk assessment), CQC (England only) “Essential Standards of Quality and Safety” Regulation supporting evidence
How long is this assessment valid?
DD would recommend you have a Health & Safety Risk assessment every 12 months.
How long will the assessment take?
For 2 surgeries it should take approxmately 2 hours.
What does this assessment include?